Legolas had forbidden you to go along on the journey, after you volunteered at the Council of Elrond, following his example. The reason of your falling out was quite simple. “That’s why ‘if’ is the keyword, Boromir,” you reminded him. If you were mine, I would have tied you to a chair to make sure you didn’t join us.” “Training or taking part in a battle is not the same thing. You rolled your eyes again. “How many times do I have to say that I can take care of myself? I know how to fight!”

When we fight, we do not have the time to protect you as well. You didn’t know he had been eavesdropping. “He has every right to be, my lady,” Boromir interrupted. You heard Gandalf yelling at poor Pippin a few moments before and he still looked a bit shaken. Merry and Pippin let themself drop down at your feet. But then he rose to his feet and went to Aragorn and Sam. He pursed his lips, as if he was actually considering it. Series Tags: you still cross with me?” you asked, already knowing the answer.