With Cinema you can watch internet videos with your friends from the comfort of a virtual theater! How ace is that? Settle down to watch the latest action flick, catch up on the latest adventure time together, challenge each other to get through your favorite horror show! First one to leave the room is a chicken! Well stop cryin, ya big baby! We've got you covered. How on earth will you get them all together to watch your favorite episode of Sonic X? That would cost a lot a king's ransom! And you're hardly Viscount of Saline now are you? You might not even qualify for the title of Minister of Equine Destruction. After all, you've got one friend all the way over in Canada, another stuck in the middle of Belgium, heck even that guy from Swaziland. It's a magical bonding experience between people, a timeless ritual that not many are able to do with some of their friends.

Remember sitting down on a lazy afternoon with your friends, drinking a cup of hot cocoa and watching a movie? pixelTail Games does.